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To My Ships



An evolving lexicon


Accountability /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪlɪti/

If you do it, acknowledge it: a tenet we hold resolutely in mind.

Achaeans /əˈkiːənz/

The people of ancient Greece, as identified in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey; in historical context, the poet was likely referring to Mycenaeans.

Alabastron /ˌæl.əˈbæs.trɒn/

A long, slender flask crafted from stone, ceramic, glass or precious metal, used in ancient Greece as a container for expensive perfumed oils.

Altitude /ˈæltɪˌtjuːd/

‘On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.’ Karl Marx 

Aluminium /ˌæljʊˈmɪniəm/

The thirteenth element in the periodic table. Post-consumer recycled (PCR) aluminium was chosen for most To My Ships packaging on grounds of its durability, lightness, corrosion resistance and infinite recyclability.

Aryballos /ˌær.ɪˈbæl.əs/

A small ceramic vessel for carrying oil, predominantly used by ancient Greek athletes, who oiled their bodies lavishly prior to training sessions.

Attitude /ˈætɪˌtjuːd/

Light-hearted, deep-thinking, habitually curious.


Banking /ˈbæŋkɪŋ/

Sadly, we must use a bank, even if it’s virtual. Happily, we’ve landed with HSBC and Revolut.

Board meetings  /bɔːd ˈmiːtɪŋz/

These happen quarterly, with mood lighting. They hold us to account for all from which we deviate. 

Branding /ˈbrændɪŋ/

The product itself is brand emissary; quality conveys more than logos and platitudes. 


Carbon footprint /ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/

No act of production returns more than it absorbs. Our work is to move as lightly, efficiently and respectfully as possible.   

Compliance /kəmˈplʌɪəns/

A responsibility that’s taken seriously. Every ‘i’ dotted, every ‘t’ crossed.

Conflict resolution  /ˈkɒnflɪkt ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/

Handling differences with grace and a modicum of humour.  

Consultants /kənˈsʌltənts/

Welcoming fresh perspectives without losing our own.  

Customers /ˈkʌstəməz/

Considered in everything we do; the reason we exist.


Design /dɪˈzaɪn/

Ought to be embedded in our thinking, not an added extra. Good design reduces and resolves existing problems rather than introducing hindrances. 

Diapásmata /ˌdɪəˈpæz.mə.tə/

Fragrant powders used in antiquity to scent the body. Created from dried flowers and herbs, they were rubbed over the skin or placed in sachets to be worn.

Dignity /ˈdɪɡnɪti/

An inalienable state of being, per Immanuel Kant; a human right, as defined by the United Nations and two International Covenants; crucial to the exercise of human rights and social justice, according to Pablo Gilabert.

(For a deep philosophical dive, see Gilabert's Human Dignity and Human Rights.)

Distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən/

The carefully chosen pathways through which To My Ships products become available to you.  


E-commerce /ˌiːˈkɒmɜːs/

Near-effortless purchasing, with efficient delivery to your doorstep.

Elaphros /ˈɛ.lə.frɒs/

Light, undemanding, easy to bear.

Empathy /ˈɛmpəθi/

Common sense advocates for it; and recent research provides evidence that empathy is integral to our collective health.

(See, for example, the work of Stanford University's Social Neuroscience Laboratory, led by Jamil Zaki.)

Epipotheó /ˌɛpɪˈpɒθɪˌoʊ/

To yearn/harbour affection for.

Euódia /juːˈoʊ.dɪə/

A pleasing fragrance, a sweet scent.

Euschémosuné /juːˌskeɪ.məˈsuː.neɪ/

Attractiveness, elegance, decorum.


Éndoksos /ˈɛn.dɒk.sɒs/

Esteemed, glorious.


Formulas /ˈfɔːmjʊləs/

Taken seriously, created by professionals of many years’ standing.


Generative AI /ˈdʒɛnəˌreɪtɪv ˌeɪˈaɪ/

Within To My Ships, generative AI is regarded as a tool to support human creativity and ingenuity rather than an incipient threat, and used accordingly.

Governance /ˈɡʌvənəns/

Steering the ship with a steady hand and an attentive eye.


Hēdos /ˈhiː.dɒs/

Pleasurable to the senses, sensually arousing.

Héduosmon /ˌheɪˈduː.ɒz.mɒn/


History /ˈhɪstəri/

Knowing where we come from, and using the past to inform the way forward.

Holokléria /ˌhɒl.əˈklɪə.rɪə/

Soundness, in the sense of being complete.


'Iliad, The' /ˈɪl.i.æd/

An ancient Greek epic poem that renders a timeless survey of the human condition, estimated to have been written the mid to late eighth century BCE, and attributed to Homer. Translated brilliantly by Robert Fagles in 1990 and by Emily Wilson in 2023.

(Judith Thurman's incisive 2023 New Yorker interview with Emily Wilson about her approach to translating Homer is a rich read. Absorb it at an attentive, unhurried pace.)


Ingredients /ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/

Taken seriously, with much time, care and research devoted to checking provenance, quality and processes.

Insurance /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/

An expensive peace of mind.

Investor relations /ɪnˈvɛstə rɪˈleɪʃənz/

Behaving well and building trust.


Kalós  /kəˈlɒs/

Beautiful, also praiseworthy – denoting beauty of a type that inspires others to embrace what is both attractive and good.


Lactococcus Ferment Extract /ˌlæktəˈkɒkəs ˈfɜːmɛnt ˈɛkstrækt/

A probiotic, microbiome-supporting ingredient, derived from fermentation of the Lactococcus lactis bacterium. Helps to support the skin’s natural barrier function. Utilised in Of The Gods Polygonum Roll-On Deodorant and Spray-On Deodorant.

Lekythos /ˈlɛ.kɪ.θɒs/

An elegant ancient Greek flask – a container for oils used for bathing, cooking and ceremonial purposes.

Lifecycle assessment /ˈlaɪfˌsaɪkl əˈsɛsmənt/

Understanding the impact of our products from start to finish.

Logistics   /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/

The behind-the-scenes ballet that keeps things moving.


Marketing /ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/

Effected with restraint, because product on skin is the strongest way to communicate what we do and why we care.

Material data sheet /məˈtɪəriəl ˈdeɪtə ʃiːt/

Details essential to skilful product formulation.  


Natural ingredients /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/

In the beauty industry, natural ingredients are defined as those readily available in living botanicals and other natural materials. In order for their molecular structure to remain intact, they must be extracted by means such as steam distillation, maceration, pressing, or solvent extraction.

Naturally derived ingredients /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl.i dɪˈraɪvd ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/

Naturally derived ingredients are obtained from natural sources, but require a means of chemical modification before they can be utilised – for example, fermentation, condensation or esterification. 

Natural resources /ˈnatʃ(ə)rəl rɪ'sɔ:sɪz/

To be obtained with the lightest possible footprint; and used with care, transparency and respect.

(To remain abreast of activities and policies regarding the use and protection of natural resources worldwide, bookmark The International Institute for Sustainable Development's website.)


Office /ˈɒfɪs/

Warm, sharp and efficient; where creativity meets productivity.

Olfaction /ɒlˈfæk.ʃən/

The process by which we encounter and evaluate smells. It relies on the first cranial nerve (CN 1), which reaches from the brain to the upper interior of the nose; and the olfactory bulb, which sits at the front of the brain. Jointly, these perform as receptors for airborne molecules that carry scent, and convey associated information (pleasant, malodourous, stimulating, dangerous, etc) to the limbic system, including parts of the brain linked to emotion and memory.

Orexis /əˈrɛk.sɪs/

Yearning, appetite, fervent desire.

Osmé /ˈɒs.meɪ/

A fragrance or aroma.

Osphrésis /ˌɒsˈfrɛ.sɪs/

The olfactory sense, the act of smelling.


Parrésia /pɑːˈriː.sɪə/

Openness, candour, boldness, particularly in speech.

Patchouli heart ('Pogostemon cablin') /pəˈʧuː.li hɑːt (ˌpɒ.ɡoʊˈstɛ.mɒn ˈkæblɪn)/

A key ingredient in Of The Gods constituent fine perfume, obtained
through an extraction process that eliminates the heaviness often associated with Patchouli. Distinctive in its warm, stimulating notes of wood, camphor and balsamic.

PCR /ˌpiː.siːˈɑːr/

In reference to packaging, an acronym for ‘post-consumer recycled’ materials manufactured from input materials that have been recovered from consumer recycling such as plastics, cardboard and paper, aluminium and glass.

Pelike /ˈpɛl.ɪ.kiː/

A wide-bodied ceramic vessel with two handles, usually decorated, used in ancient Greece for storing large quantities of oil (and possibly wine).

People /ˈpiːpl/

They really matter very much.

Perlite /ˈpɜːr.laɪt/

A naturally occurring mineral derived from volcanic glass (aka obsidian). When finely powdered, it makes an excellent physical exfoliant that is gentle on the skin and harmless to natural environments. Utilised in Of The Gods Polygonum Hand & Body Wash.

Personal care in ancient Greece /ˈpɜː.sən.əl kɛər ɪn ˈeɪn.ʃənt ɡriːs/

Together with written references, archaeological finds indicate that the use of scented oils, fragrances and cosmetics by ancient Greeks stemmed back to the 8th century BCE, and possibly earlier. For a richly evocative picture, see The Iliad, Book 14, lines 204-229 (‘Hera cleansed her enticing body of any blemish, then she applied a deep olive rub, the breath-taking, redolent oil she kept beside her...’).

Petitgrain ('Citrus aurantium') /ˈpɛt.i.ɡreɪn (ˈsɪtrəs ɔːˈræntiəm)/

An evergreen tree, also known as bitter orange. Oil extracted from the leaves, characterised by green citrus, floral and woody notes, is utilised in the Of The Gods range, as one of the key ingredients of its constituent fine perfume.

Phronésis /frɒˈniː.sɪs/

Understanding, insight – in the sense of practical wisdom.

Polygonum ('Polygonum odoratum') /pəˈlɪɡ.ənəm (ˌpɒl.ɪˈɡoʊ.nəm oʊˈdɒr.ətəm)/

Also known as Fragrant Solomon’s Seal, a herbaceous perennial related to Lily of the Valley, bearing sweetly scented white flowers. Archigenes of Apamea, an ancient Greco-Syrian physician, apparently recommended a Polygonum garland placed on the head as a treatment for headaches. Polygonum is naturally high in aldehydes and is a key ingredient in the fine perfume created for Of The Gods.

Project management /ˈprɒdʒɛkt ˈmænɪdʒmənt/

Keeping plans on track with a smile and a well-delineated path.

Prototyping /ˈprəʊtəʊˌtaɪpɪŋ/

Investing and being prepared to fail through early prototyping is the best way to refine our offer and resolve potential problems.


Quality control /ˈkwɒlɪti kənˈtrəʊl/

Ensuring the bar is set high – almost out of reach.


Recycling /riːˈsaɪklɪŋ/

Giving new life to old materials.

Renewable resources /rɪˈnjuːəbl rɪˈsɔːsɪz/

Harnessing the power of nature sustainably.

Research and development /rɪˈsɜːʧ ənd dɪˈvɛləpmənt/

A path to doing better, ventured with judicious attention to detail.

Retail development /ˈriːteɪl dɪˈvɛləpmənt/

Creating space to communicate our intentions.

Retention samples /rɪˈtɛnʃən ˈsæmplz/

Keeping pieces of the past to help inform the future.

Risk management /rɪsk ˈmænɪdʒmənt/

Anticipating challenges, with a view to opportunities.


Samples /ˈsɑːmplz/

An enticing taste of what's to come.

Sizes  /ˈsaɪzɪz/

The result of much self-reflection around product usage and provision of responsible refills, ensuring every demand is considered.

Solvent extraction /ˈsɒl.vənt ɪkˈstræk.ʃən/

A widely used method of extracting essential oils from natural materials, using food-grade solvents to isolate the oils in question. It is favoured for resinous plant materials and for delicate aromatics unsuited to steam distillation.

Sómatikos /səʊˈmætɪkɒs/

Of the body, corporeal.

Sphingomonas Ferment Extract /ˌsfɪŋɡəˈməʊnəs ˈfɜːmɛnt ˈɛkstrækt/

A skin-conditioning ingredient
derived from the Sphingomonas hydrophobicum bacterium. Utilised in Of The Gods Polgyonum Roll-On Deodorant and Spray-On Deodorant.

Stablity /stəˈbɪlɪti/

A state/attribute worth striving for constantly, in all senses of the word.


Term deposits /tɜːm dɪˈpɒzɪts/

Safe, steady growth for a secure future.

Testing  /ˈtɛstɪŋ/

Comprehensive, taking no shortcuts; products must be safe, effective, and properly validated. 

Tharreó /θæˈreɪ.oʊ/

To be courageous, confident and of good cheer.

Theophrastus /ˌθiː.əˈfræs.təs/

The ‘father of botany’ in ancient Greece, and author of On Odours [De odoribus] – a collection of detailed treatises on scent, olfactory sense-impressions, and the use of botanicals in the creation of perfumes.   

Third-party logistics   /ˌθɜːdˈpɑːti ləˈdʒɪstɪks/

Aka: working with reliable partners in order to get our products to you.

Training /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/

Continuous learning for continuous improvement.

Tridacna /trɪˈdæk.nə/

A genus of giant clam. Tridacna shells, often carved to beautiful effect, were used in ancient Greece to hold cosmetics and unguents.

Trojans /ˈtrəʊ.dʒənz/

The people of ancient Troy, which in Homer’s time lay on the Aegean coast, on a site that is now part of the Republic of Türkiye. 


VAT /viː-eɪ-tiː/

Handling the requirements of HM Revenue & Customs with grace and precision.